Masonic Education

Below are a number of educational articles for members and guests.  These articles will provide a better understanding of Freemasonry.  We will be adding more articles as time goes on, so come back a visit our site often.

Masonic Myths

“Originally written by the Past Masters at The Ashlar Company” myth/miTH/ noun a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and…

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The Cowan

Bro. Anton O. Aspeslet, P.G.M.(83-05-28) The Oxford International Dictionary of the English Language gives the following definition of the word “Cowan”: Cowan – 1598 [?] 1. Sc. One who does the work…

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Masonic Calendar

A Masonic calendar is based upon the date of an event or a beginning. Craft Masons and different appendant bodies within Freemasonry utilize different Masonic calendars to celebrate an historical inception date…

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